Many people believe that southern cooking recipes must involve deep frying or strange foods that nobody who lives anywhere north of the Mason Dixon has ever heard of. Nothing could be further from the truth; southern cooking recipes are comfort recipes that bring a feeling of home to anyone no matter what side of the Mason Dixon line you come from. When someone thinks of southern cooking recipes things such as grits, cornbread, deep fried chicken and collard greens come to mind and while there are without a doubt a staple in any southern cooking recipe book they are not all that one will find when it comes to good food if you take the time to look.
Southern cooking recipes have changed over the years, not everything is cooked in lard these days in fact southern cooks look to cook with healthy ingredients as much as anyone else does. Fried chicken while it can be cooked in lard is now often cooked in healthier oils or even baked in the oven and it still comes out crispy and delicious. When thinking about southern cooking recipes one can never forget the wonder baked treats that can only come from a southern cooking recipe book. Many of these baked treats have taken turns over the years and become healthier but there is still nothing like rich pecan pies with vanilla ice cream for a bit of comfort from the worlds a trouble.
All Southern Cooking Recipes Are Not the Same
Southern cooking is known by many names and has many origins and you are sure to find a few southern cooking recipes to suit your taste. When looking for healthier recipes seek out Cajun food such as blackened chicken or steak, neither involves breading and many of the spices can be found on any herbalist list of good things for the heart, blood pressure and over all well being of your health.
Vegetables are a large part of most southern cooking recipes and depending on how these vegetables are prepared they can make almost any dish a bit healthier without compromising good taste. If you spend a little time researching southern cooking recipes you are sure to find one that suits not only your taste buds but also your desire for good health. When following a southern cooking recipe consider what healthier alternatives you can use for recipes that call for cooking in lard or fat and discover that you can make that recipe just as good tasting without having to add all the extra fat and calories.